Attendance mandatory? | No |
Attendance recommended? | Yes |
Textbook recommended? | No |
Slides sufficient? | Yes |
Course difficulty | ■■■■□ |
Exam difficulty | ■■■■□ |
<aside> 🚧 Due to the nature of the course, I would strongly recommend to stick to the slides, especially after the course overhaul in the A.Y. 2023/2024.
<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> The best way to prepare for the exam (both the partials and the general, which is just a shortened version of the two partials pasted together) is to practice extensively. I would personally recommend to get a quick overview of the theory by reading the slides, and then focusing on exercises rather learning the theory by heart.
Please note that you will still need definitions, especially for the first partial, but it is not as cumbersome as it might sound.
1. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
2. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
3. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
4. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
5. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
6. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
7. Additional Solved Exercises (7).pdf.pdf
8. Additional Solved Exercises (8).pdf.pdf
9. Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
10.1 Additional Solved Exercises.pdf
10.2 Additional Solved Exercises 10 II.pdf