Attendance mandatory? | No |
Attendance recommended? | Yes |
Textbook recommended? | Yes (exercises) |
Slides sufficient? | Yes |
Course difficulty | ■■■□□ |
Exam difficulty | ■■■■□ |
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The course is straightforward, and so is the exam: just make sure to show up to lectures, follow and you’ll be good to go.
I am afraid I am not allowed to share notes myself, but the best resources out there are definitely Professor De Micco’s slides: find someone in her class and kindly ask them if they are allowed to share the material.
Unless you want to truly understand the subject, the theory book is not very useful; still, it contains a number of useful references and it explains the concepts in a very clear way.
As briefly mentioned above, the exercise book is a must-buy.
Nothing else is necessary, not even the past exams (I had no clue they existed before I sat the exam).