I’m in favour of short definitions, and the shortest way to define EconShelf is:
A repository of various economics-related courses, content, and opportunities.
Another way to characterise it would be:
If I did something in the last 3 years, you can find my experience and what I would have liked to know before staring.
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EconShelf is, and forever will be, a free resource.
No premiums, no paywalls of any kind - there are already too many wannabe gurus asking you to pay €200 for their opinion.
The only exception to this is in case I have to face some kind of expense, like maintaining a website or buying a domain; still, I will use my funds within the limits of reasonableness.
A few months ago, I wrote:
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Eventually, I would love for this project to loose its personal connotation and start becoming more collaborative; if you would like to take part in this process, please email/message me and I’ll be more than glad to offer you a coffee and talk about this.
The moment has finally come: there’s two of us, and it’s only the start.
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Course: MSc ESS @ UniBocconi
Role: writing about random stuff
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Course: BESS @ UniBocconi
Role: writing mostly about interships
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We’re always on the lookout for more people to join. The complimentary coffee is still included.
The idea of this project started from a variety of inspirations, which I would like to thank individually:
Emanuele Licari, my fist flatmate in the Dubini dorm, who on day 2 saw me and told me “You don’t look like a management guy” (I was still enrolled in the BSc International Econ & Management, big mistake). Three years, one course change, and one exchange in Chicago later, I can say that he was absolutely right.
Over the past 3 years in Bocconi, of which 2 where spent living four meters from each other, he provided me guidance in every single step imaginable; from the first math midterm in freshmen year all the way to choosing what Master’s degree to pursue. This is of course on top of the myriad of other life advice he offered me, but we would need something much bigger than EconShelf to include all of that.
With this website, I intend to follow his footsteps and help other unsuspecting econ bros to survive and thrive in what they do.
Luca Colaci, historic BEMACS ‘24 Course representative (together with my friend Rocco), from whom I got the idea of creating a Notion page to share all of this content.
You can find his own page here:
Emma Zambelli, TikTok influencer (reportedly) and BESS ‘25 student, who has been sharing her notes for the past couple of years and was actually the first person who made me think “What if I could do the same?”
Below every page/sub-project, you can also find a list of people who collaborated of that single initiatives; this is just for the people who inspired me.