What is EconShelf

I’m in favour of short definitions, and the shortest way to define EconShelf is:

A repository of various economics-related courses, content, and opportunities.

Another way to characterise it would be:

If I did something in the last 3 years, you can find my experience and what I would have liked to know before staring.

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EconShelf is, and forever will be, a free resource.

No premiums, no paywalls of any kind - there are already too many wannabe gurus asking you to pay €200 for their opinion.

The only exception to this is in case I have to face some kind of expense, like maintaining a website or buying a domain; still, I will use my funds within the limits of reasonableness.


Who’s behind this project?

A few months ago, I wrote:

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Eventually, I would love for this project to loose its personal connotation and start becoming more collaborative; if you would like to take part in this process, please email/message me and I’ll be more than glad to offer you a coffee and talk about this.


The moment has finally come: there’s two of us, and it’s only the start.

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Stefano Graziosi

Course: MSc ESS @ UniBocconi

Role: writing about random stuff



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Dzianis Rabchuk

Course: BESS @ UniBocconi

Role: writing mostly about interships


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You (?)

We’re always on the lookout for more people to join. The complimentary coffee is still included.



The idea of this project started from a variety of inspirations, which I would like to thank individually:

Below every page/sub-project, you can also find a list of people who collaborated of that single initiatives; this is just for the people who inspired me.