
There are plenty of activities in Bocconi which have the incredible power to confuse people beyond what they knew was possible. The bachelor thesis, for me, was the most notable among those activities. One day you wake up to the most useless guide that a top-ranked university could conceive, and in a few months you have to come up with something which vaguely resembles a dissertation; not to mention the roulette of “picking” the right supervisor (ammesso e non concesso che esista).

Oftentimes, when you point out that something has room to improve, the reaction of some people can be summarised by the statement:

Well, why don’t you do it yourself then?

This is my personal take at doing it myself.

I am not a Professor nor I have the experience to tell you “how to write the best thesis on Earth”; as you find extensively reiterated as a disclaimer, this is just my personal opinion. Still, it offers a more hands-on approach which should better allow you to understand what you’re supposed to do, step by step.

At the intersection of these three sets, you’ll either find the perfect supervisor or a mythological creature; in some rare circumstances, the two overlap.
If you study economics and you already know which topics you like, take a look here.

At the intersection of these three sets, you’ll either find the perfect supervisor or a mythological creature; in some rare circumstances, the two overlap. If you study economics and you already know which topics you like, take a look here.


General Advice

Starting your thesis [WIP]

Literature Review

Literature Review Thesis

Empirical Thesis

Empirical Thesis [WIP]

My experience

Stefano’s thesis