
Hello, and welcome to my website!

My name is Stef, and I’m a 1st year MSc Economic and Social Sciences student at Bocconi University.

I firmly believe that I am anything but an expert in economics, data science, statistics or any kind of topic related to these; therefore, this website should not be intended as a novel source of knowledge, but rather as an easy-to-access repository of various economics-related courses, content, and opportunities that would otherwise take some time to paste together.

<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_red.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_red.svg" width="40px" />

If you have any feedback or if you believe that something is missing, please email me at [email protected]



Internship Tracker

Internship Tracker

Master Tracker

Master Tracker [WIP]

PhD Tracker

PhD Tracker [WIP]

<aside> <img src="/icons/hourglass_red.svg" alt="/icons/hourglass_red.svg" width="40px" />

This one is gonna take very long




Learning Resources

Bocconi Notes

<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Here are my 5 cents about the past years at Bocconi; personal opinions included







<aside> <img src="/icons/package_green.svg" alt="/icons/package_green.svg" width="40px" />



BSc Thesis



Books Reading List

Articles Reading List

Research Assistant [WIP]

Data Science

<aside> <img src="/icons/traffic-cone_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/traffic-cone_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Work In Progress → Coming 2025Q3


General - Data Science [WIP]


About the Project

Social Media


About the project


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Linkedin


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Instagram


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> X - formerly Twitter


<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Most — if not all — of the contents of this website are targeted at Economics students;

Therefore, if you are studying (or if you are generally interested in) other disciplines, here are a couple more websites you might find useful:

  1. Management → MyConsultingCoach, Bright Network, 180 Degrees Consulting, Impact Consulting
  2. Finance → PrepInvestmentBanking, Wall Street Oasis, Bright Network
  3. Computer Science → who am I kidding, if you study CS you’ll hardly end up here
  4. International Relations → Lukas Svana, Giallo Zafferano </aside>

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I feel like this is unnecessary, but some friends from law school advised me to add the notation below

© 2024, Stefano Graziosi. All Rights Reserved